When quality is paramount, internal review can feel like a necessary step. But, that isn't always the case.

In fact, in our experience, only less than 2% of content that passes through internal review will be changed. That's it.

That means out of an entire blog post of 900 words, maybe 16 will change. And in the end, that might even just come down to the opinion of that individual reviewer. Yet at the same time, we've found that content can sit idle within an internal review step for days, or even weeks, before it's even touched.

All in all, internal review can slow down your content, draining any value and momentum it might have had.

We get it if you're not ready to ditch internal review just yet. After all, this is your brand's content, and quality is absolutely critical.

That's why we put together this awesome infographic. Our flowchart will help you determine exactly when you might need to implement internal review, and when you can lean on your linguistic assets and Smartling's powerful automation.

When to Use Internal Review (And When You Shouldn't) includes:

  • Our breakdown on internal review, and mulitple alternatives
  • Quick and simple flowchart to determine when internal review migh the necessary, and when it might be a waste
  • Actionable insight for improving your translation workflows to deliver he highest quality content

¿Por qué esperar para traducir de manera más inteligente?

Converse con alguien del equipo de Smartling para identificar cómo podemos ayudarle a aprovechar mejor su presupuesto al entregarle traducciones con la más alta calidad, mayor rapidez y a costos mucho más bajos.